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SC Hospitals Monitor Hurricanes

Tidelands Health

Orion Weather Stations aid SC hospitals in real-time decision making.

Hurricane Isaias image

This NWS image shows Hurricane Isaias making landfall.

Tidelands Health monitoring view

A screenshot of Tidelands Health's monitoring view.

“Having the best up-to-date information on when to shelter in place from hurricanes” was the goal for Tidelands Health to purchase Orion weather stations for two hospitals in South Carolina.

Patrick J. Devlin is Director of Safety, Security and Emergency Preparedness for Tidelands. An early adopter of the CWS Cloud Weather Server, Devlin describes how he shares meteorological data regularly with staff and first responders and that it helps with real-time decision making: “This is the link I drive our organization and partners to due to the security of it not having to access our secure network.”

Recently put to the test with Hurricane Isaias, Devlin commented, “We were able to monitor the storm through the cloud server. I was monitoring things from home and had no issues. I also know the weather stations were pulled up in the county emergency operations center and 911 center. It has been a great tool for us to share with our local emergency responders.” Thanks for the update!

The CWS Cloud-based Weather Server, compatible with any CWS weather station model, features real-time meteorological monitoring that is easily accessible to users through an Internet browser. Multiple weather stations can be networked, with the display including an overview option to view key data points simultaneously.

Orion Weather Station Information

Cloud Weather Server Information

Tidelands Health Website

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