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Weather Data for Marine Transport

Brazos Pilot guiding cargo shop

Accurate weather data is imperative for manuevering confined waterways.

Brazos Pilots Association in Freeport, TX relies on accurate weather data from a CWS weather station for their operations. Deputy Branch Pilot Noah Niday comments:

"As Texas state-licensed pilots, the Brazos Pilots are chiefly responsible for protecting public waterways by ensuring safe and efficient ship transits on the Freeport Ship Channel. Every ship that comes in and out of the Port of Freeport in Texas has a Brazos Pilot who boards the ship and safely navigates the ship in and out of port.

"After researching multiple commercial-grade weather stations, we chose to purchase from Columbia Weather Systems because it seemed like the best combination of commercial-grade durability, accuracy of info, and usability for accessing the data on the go."

Click here to read the application note.

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