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Weather Data Critical for Substation

Weather Station for electrical substation

The weather station is mounted on a tower at the substation control building.

The Imperial Irrigation District in Southern California installed an Orion™ Weather Station at a remote substation that is regularly impacted by wind storms, flash floods, and extreme summer temperatures.

Bethany visited the site on a recent trip and spoke with IID Communications & Control Technician Mizael Huereque, who explained how engineers utilize on-site weather data for critical substation operations. These reasons include:

➡️ Preparing to supply power from secondary substations to sustain increased load by monitoring high temperatures in the summer months.

➡️ Anticipating and preparing for fallen trees and power lines by monitoring wind speeds during storms.

➡️ Adjusting transmission line ratings for efficiency and equipment damage mitigation by factoring temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation data.

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