GET A QUOTE: 1-888-508-7375 M-F 8-5 PT
Orion AQM-Complete measures gaseous pollutants, met parameters, and particulates.
Make your environment a healthier and safer place by measuring, analyzing, and understanding the data of air pollution with this outdoor air quality monitor.
Urban air quality networks, air pollution monitor, industrial emission monitoring, building automation, and air quality research.
Professional air quality monitoring systems provide immediate, on-site data for analysis, compliance, and decision-making. Choose from three models, all of which include the basic meteorological parameters of temperature, humidity, and barometric pressure.
Air quality measurement device (aka air pollution monitor) integrates with the Weather MicroServer for monitoring via Cloud Server, any Internet Browser, SCADA systems and/or various industrial protocols.
Call or email for personal assistance in selecting the right configuration for your application.
We can help you specify the best weather station for your requirements.
Or call 1-888-508-7375