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Weather MicroServer™

Weather MicroServer

“Thank you for the follow-up email regarding the new features implemented in the MicroServer ... They are working wonderfully. You and your team have done an excellent job.”

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Display Weather Data on Web Page via Cloud Weather Server

The Weather MicroServer is a data logger and powerful communication device. It includes a web browser user interface with real-time dashboards, configuration, and data export; available to any computer or device on the network.

The MicroServer comes standard with several industrial automation interfaces to SCADA, web interfaces to our Cloud Weather Server, Weather Underground, and data export via FTP. It can serve met data to third-party applications like CERES for HazMat plume modeling.

It can communicate with WeatherMaster software over the network, allowing for long-term data storage on a computer and providing trend charts for historical data.

Scroll down for a list of Features and Meteorological Parameters measured/calculated.

Weather MicroServer System Diagram

Weather MicroServer Features

  • Modbus/TCP/IP and RTU, DNP3, BACnet, and SNMP communication protocols are standard for industrial applications.
  • Compatible with CWOP (Citizen Weather Observer Program) and Weather Underground, the MicroServer can automatically post data from your weather station to these network websites.
  • Serves met data to third party applications like CERES for HazMat plume modeling.
  • The Weather MicroServer stores a year's worth of data on an SD card. Data can easily be exported from the intuitive web browser UI.
  • Three serial ports offer interface to the weather station and/or additional peripheral devices or sensors such as Visibility, Solar Radiation, and Wind-Only transmitters.
  • The MicroServer can connect to your network with the included Ethernet cable and provide data to the Weather Display Console and WeatherMaster software. 
  • 900 MHz Processor
  • 16 GB micro SD card for Datalogger
  • 3 Communication Serial Ports, 1 Ethernet Port
  • Footprint Dimensions: 6.375" W x 2.55" H x 5.30" D

Measurements and Calculated Parameters

Important Note: The parameters depend on the sensors to which the MicroServer is connected.

Wind Speed & Direction

  • Wind Speed
  • Raw Wind Direction
  • Adjusted Wind Direction
  • 3 Second Rolling Average Wind Speed
  • 3 Second Rolling Average Wind Direction
  • 2 Minute Rolling Average Wind Speed
  • 2 Minute Rolling Average Wind Direction
  • 10 Minute Rolling Average Wind Speed
  • 10 Minute Rolling Average Wind Direction
  • 10 Minute Gust Wind Direction
  • 10 Minute Gust Wind Speed
  • 10 Minute Gust Time
  • 60 Minute Gust Wind Direction
  • 60 Minute Gust Wind Speed
  • 60 Minute Gust Time


  • Rain Today
  • Rain this week 
  • Rain this month 
  • Rain this year
  • Rain Rate
  • Hail*
  • Hail Intensity*
  • Precipitation Type**

Relative Humidity


  • Visibility
  • Daylight (Lux)
  • Extinction Coefficient

*Available only with Orion Weather Stations

**Available only with Pulsar Weather Stations


  • Temperature 1
  • Temperature 2
  • Temperature 3
  • Temperature 4
  • Average Temperature Today
  • Degree Days
  • Wet Bulb Temperature

Barometric Pressure

  • Raw Barometric Pressure
  • Adjusted Barometric Pressure

Calculated Parameters

  • Wind Chill
  • Heat Index
  • Dew Point
  • Density Altitude

Solar Radiation

Atmospheric Parameters

  • Wet Bulb Globe Temperature
  • Saturated Vapor Pressure
  • Vapor Pressure
  • Dry Air Pressure
  • Dry Air Density
  • Wet Air Density
  • Absolute Humidity
  • Air Density Ratio
  • Adjusted Altitude
  • SAE Correction Factor


The Weather MicroServer has a built-in SNMP interface for communication with network management systems. SNMP versions 2 and 3 are supported. SNMPv3 interface incorporates SHA1 authentication and AES or DES encryption option with a user definable user name and password.

Open MicroServer MIB file (PDF)

The Weather MicroServer has built-in Modbus TCP/IP and Modbus RTU interfaces for communication with industrial automation systems and OPC servers.Modbus RTU is available through an RS-232 Port (COM2). For RS-485 interface, a converter is available.

Open Modbus Point List (PDF)

Download Modbus Point List (Excel)

Open Modbus OPC Client (PDF)

We offer the KEPServerEX Modbus OPC Server Suite to provide OPC Data Access


The Weather MicroServer offers DNP3 ethernet communication to interface CWS weather stations with process automation systems used primarily in utilities such as electric and water companies.

DNP3 Parameter Index List (pdf)

DNP3 Parameter Index List (xls)

Additional Information including system diagram:

Access Application Note as webpage

PDF Application Note

The Weather MicroServer serves an XML page that contains current weather parameter values.

XML output example

The Weather MicroServer can use FTP to upload XML and CSV files to a web site at 15 second intervals.

XML output example

Text output example

The Weather MicroServer has a built-in BACnet interface for communication with building automation and control systems.

BACnet Parameter List (PDF)

BACnet Parameter List (Excel)

Additional Sensor Options

Three serial ports, eight analog channels, and a rain and wind speed pulse channel offer interfaces to various additional peripheral devices or sensors. Click below for information on available sensors:

Designed for a wide range of high-end atmospheric pressure measurement (specifically aviation), this dual silicon capacitive, absolute pressure sensor provides high accuracy and excellent long-term stability. Select Class A or Class B, both of which come with NIST traceable, factory calibration certificates. The MicroServer reports the two (redundant) pressure readings, the difference between them, and calculated QNH and QFE based on average value of the two sensors. Requires a serial port.

Range: 500 - 1100 hPa
Hysteresis: ±0.03 hPa
Repeatability: ±0.03 hPa
Operating Temperature Range: -40 to +60°C (-40 to +140°F)
Serial I/O: RS232C
Long-Term Stability: ± 0.1 hPa/year
Housing Classification: IP66

Class A Class B
Linearity: ±0.05 hPa ±0.10 hPa
Calibration uncertainty: ±0.5 hPa ±0.15 hPa
Accuracy: at +20 C(+68 F) ±0.5 hPa ±0.20 hPa
Total Accuracy: ±0.15 hPa ±0.25 hPa
Dual BP

Dual barometer shown installed with standard weather shield.

(Please note: While CWS weather stations are not FAA certified, they are used by many small airports in the US and around the world that are not subject to FAA certification.)

The Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Sensor uses an infrared light source to measure ppm-level carbon dioxide. The sensor is configured for analog output.

The sensor is installed in a self-aspirating radiation shield to protect it from the effects of solar radiation. The sensor should be installed in a location that represents ambient atmospheric CO2 levels.

Measurement Range: 0 – 1980 ppm CO2

Accuracy: (including repeatability and non-linearity): ±40 ppm CO2 at 77 °F and 29.91 inHg

Output: 0 – 2.5VDC

Operating Temperature: -40°F to +140°F (-40°C to +60°C)

Operating voltage: 12 - 30 VDC

Power consumption: 0.4 W in continuous operation

Open Carbon Dioxide Sensor PDF

Carbon Dioxide

The Carbon Dioxide Sensor will be housed in a radiation shield (included).

The Freezing Rain Sensor detects the presence of icing conditions. Included is a built-in heater for automatic defrost.

Supply Voltage: 24 VDC

Temperature Range:

Operating: –67° to +160°F

Storage: –85° to +194°F

Icing Signal Period: 60 second activation from start of icing measurement.

De-icing (Heater) Control Automatically triggered with accumulation of 0.5mm of ice on probe.

Max heating time: 25 seconds

Download Freezing Rain Install Guide

Freezing Rain Sensor

A laser optical sensor is used to detect and measure particulate concentrations up to 100 milligrams per cubic meter. The continuous flow optical sensor is combined with purge air to ensure accurate measurements in adverse environments. The optical sensor is enclosed with matched electronics and sensor display. Built-in calibration function is included.

The standard unit is supplied with an internal flow system in a rugged weatherproof housing. Inlet assembly includes a built-in heater to prevent moisture penetration and a size selected inlet to allow particle passage without allowing foreign matter to penetrate. Power for the heater is regulated, and is only used when moisture is detected. Requires serial port.

Range: 0-100 mg/M3

Sensitivity: 0.001 mg/M3

Accuracy: ± 5% to traceable standard with .6 um PSL

Display: LCD Display provides information on operation including: power, heater power, flow operation, status and concentration.

Flow Rate: 2 liters minute

Particle Monitor

Photosynthesis is driven by the number of photons between 400 and 700 nm. This is called Photosynthetic Photon Flux (PPF) and is measured in μmol m-2 s-1 (micromoles of photons per square meter per second). PPF sensors are commonly called quantum sensors because a quantum refers to the amount of energy carried by a photon. Uses one analog channel.

Accuracy: ± 0.5%

Uniformity: ± 3%

Repeatability: : ± 1%

PAR Sensor

The Ultrasonic Snow Depth Sensor transmits an ultrasonic pulsed sound wave through the air to meet a reflective object, such as snow. When the sound wave makes contact with the target it bounces back toward the sensor. The sensor records the time required for the sound wave to travel to the target and return. Using the speed of sound, the sensor calculates the distance to the object. Uses an analog channel.


  • Operating Range: 0.50 - 35 ft. (0.15 - 10.67 m)
  • Beam Pattern: 9º off axis
  • Internal Temperature Compensation
  • Frequency: 50 kHz
  • Accuracy: ±0.25% of detected range
  • Resolution: 0.1 in. (2.5 mm)
  • Response Time: Programmable (20 ms minimum)


  • 0-2.5 V


  • Total Current Draw: 75 mA @ 24 VDC
  • Supply Voltage: 12-28 VDC


  • PC/PET upper housing
  • PC/PET Blend Transducer
  • NEMA 12 Rating
  • Operating Temp: -40º - 140ºF (-40º - 60ºC)

Download Snow Level Sensor Install Guide

Snow Level Sensor

Catalog No. 82601: This silicon photovoltaic pyranometer or solar radiation sensor is calibrated to measure the shortwave radiation reaching the Earth's surface, measured in Watts per square meter. Self-cleaning dome-shaped head prevents water accumulation. Sensor head is potted solid to prevent internal condensation in humid environments.

ISO 9060:2018 Class C (previously known as second class)
Range: 0 to 2000 W mˉ²
Calibration Uncertainty: ± 5 %
Measurement Repeatability: Less than 1 %
Non-stability (Long-term Drift): Less than 2 % per year
Non-linearity: Less than 1 %
Response Time: Less than 1 ms
Field of View: 180˚
Spectral Range: 360 to 1120 nm (wavelengths where response is 10 % of maximum)
Directional (Cosine) Response: ± 5 % at 75˚ zenith angle
Temperature Response: 0.04 ± 0.04 % per C
Operating Environment: -40 to 70 C; 0 to 100 % relative humidity

Includes leveling plate, mounting bracket, and 50-foot cable.

Solar Radiation

Catalog No. 82605: The Hukseflux SR05 thermopile sensor meets ISO 9060 second class requirements. It measures solar radiation received by a plane surface, in W/m², from a 180° field of view angle. SR05 is ideal for general solar radiation measurements in meteorological networks and PV monitoring. The pyranometer is easy to mount and install, in particular with SR05's ball levelling mechanism. The sensor outputs 0 to 1 VDC signal and can be interfaced directly to the MicroServer’s analog channels.

ISO classification: ISO 9060 Second Class
Spectral range: 280 to 3000 nm
Calibration Uncertainty: < 1.8% (k=2)
Operating Temperature Range: -40 to +80°C
Output: 0 to 1VDC

Includes a tube mounting bracket and 50-foot cable. Additional mounting brackets are available.

Solar Radiation

Catalog No. 82603-6A: This Kipp & Zonen SMP6 thermopile sensor meets ISO 9060:1990 First Class requirements and features a sixty-four thermocouple junction (series connected) sensing element. The sensing element is coated with a highly stable carbon based non-organic coating, which delivers excellent spectral absorption and long term stability characteristics. It has improved performance due to the increased thermal mass and the double glass dome construction. The integral bubble level is raised to the top of the housing and can be viewed without removing the redesigned snap-on sun shield, which also covers the connector. The connector with gold-plated contacts allows for easy exchange and re-calibration.

The screw-in drying cartridge is easy to remove and the replacement desiccant is supplied in convenient refill packets.

The sensor outputs 0 to 1 VDC signal and can be interfaced directly to the MicroServer’s analog channels.

ISO classification: ISO 9060:1990 First Class
Spectral range (20% point): 280 to 3000 nm
Spectral range (50% point): 285 to 2800 nm
Response time (63%): <1.5 s
Response time (95%): <12 s
Zero offset A: <10 W/m²
Zero offset B: <4 W/m²
Directional response (up to 80° with 1000 W/m² beam): <15 W/m²
Temperature dependence of sensitivity (-40°C to +70°C): <3%
Output: 0 to 1VDC

Includes 50-foot cable. Optional mounting brackets available.

Solar Radiation KZ

Catalog No. 82603-10A: This Kipp & Zonen SMP10 thermopile sensor meets ISO 9060:1990 Secondary Standard requirements (highest possible ISO pyranometer performance category). The SMP10 extends this quality to applications where maintenance is difficult and/or forms a major part of the cost of ownership. The Internal drying cartridge is rated to 10 years if the housing is not opened.

The SMP10 uses a temperature compensated detector and has better linearity and long-term stability, lower thermal offset and faster response than a first class pyranometer.

The faster response time meets the requirements for solar energy monitoring.

ISO classification: ISO 9060 Secondary Standard
Spectral range (50% point): 285 to 2800 nm
Response time (63%): <0.7 s
Response time (95%): <2 s
Zero offset A: <7 W/m²
Zero offset B: <2 W/m²
Directional response (up to 80° with 1000 W/m² beam): <10 W/m²
Temperature dependence of sensitivity (-40°C to +70°C): <1%
Output: 0 to 1VDC

Includes 50-foot cable. Optional mounting brackets available.

Solar Radiation SMP10

One or two temperature sensors can be connected directly to the MicroServer. Uses one analog channel per sensor.

Range: -40 to +125° C (-40 to + 257° F)

Accuracy: ± 1° C typical at 25° C

Linearity: 0.5°C

Long-Term Stability: 0.4°C

Resolution: ± 0.1° C (0.1° F)

Specify Panel Temperature, Soil/Water Temperature, or Ambient Temperature Sensor.

The tipping bucket electric rain gauge is composed of a complex spun collector funnel with a knife edge that diverts the water to a tipping bucket mechanism. For each tip, a magnet causes an electronic pulse that is recorded. The rainfall sensor is completely automatic - spent water drains out of the bottom of the housing, hence, the instrument requires no servicing.

Accuracy: ±1% at 2 in./hr or less

Resolution: 0.01 inch

Heated rain gauge is available.

Available as an additional sensor option, or as its own weather station - the Orion 533 Wind Monitor.

Both wind speed and direction are measured using an advanced ultrasonic sensor. The sensor uses ultrasound to determine horizontal wind speed and direction. The array of three equally spaced ultrasonic transducers on a horizontal plane is an ideal design which ensures accurate wind measurement from all wind directions, without blind angles or corrupted readings.

The wind sensor has no moving parts, which makes it maintenance free. The measurement range for wind speed is from 0 to 135 mph (0 to 60 m/s) and for wind direction from 0 to 360°. Requires one serial port.

Wind Speed
Range: 0-135mph (0-60 m/s)
Accuracy: ±0.7 mph (+/-0.3 m/s)
Resolution: 1 mph (1 m/s)
Units Available: knots, mph, km/hr, m/s

Wind Direction
Azimuth: 0-360°
Accuracy: ±2°
Resolution: 1°
Units Available: ° Azimuth

Height: 139 mm (5.17")
Diameter: 127 mm (5.00")
Weight: 510 g (1.12 lbs)
Housing: IP65

Ultrasonic Wind Sensors

Measures UV radiation between 250 and 400 nanometers. The measurement includes both UV-A and UV-B radiation to provide a total combined measurement. The self-cleaning dome-shaped head prevents water accumulation. The sensor head is potted solid to prevent internal condensation in humid environments. Uses one analog channel.

Accuracy: ± 10%

Uniformity: ± 5%

Repeatability: ± 1%

Long Term Drift: <3% per year


Measures atmospheric visibility, also known as meteorological optical range (MOR) by determining the amount of light scattered by particles (smoke, dust, haze, fog, rain, & snow) in the air that passes through the optical sample volume. A 42-degree forward scatter angle ensures performance over a wide range of particle sizes.

An integrated, one-piece housing design keeps all cabling internal to the sensor for protection against the elements. The sensor housing is made from anodized aluminum and the enclosures are rugged, UV-resistant fiberglass rated to IP66.

Based on the proven experience of the NWS and FAA, the sensor uses a "look down" geometry to reduce window contamination and clogging from blowing snow. The windows use continuous duty anti-dew heaters.

Surge and EMI filtering on all power and signal lines help ensure uninterrupted service for the life of the sensor.

This equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other provisions of Low Voltage Directives 73/23/EEC and 89/336/ EEC as amended by Directive 93/68/EEC.

Installation and maintenance: A 1-1/2 inch IPS pipe or optional 1 inch IPS pipe flange located on the bottom of the Main Electronics Box mates with a user supplied pipe. Power and signal connections are made through waterproof cable glands to terminal boards in the Box.

Field Calibration: Connect the factory-supplied calibration fixture (included) and follow a simple procedure that takes less than 30 minutes. Annual calibration is recommended.


  • External Hood Heaters - thermostatically controlled for protection in extreme snowy environments.


  • 16 km (10 mile) visibility range
  • Proven 42-degree forward scatter angle
  • Ice-resistant "look-down" geometry


Visibility Range: 30m - 16 km standard
Extinction Range: 100 - 0.1863 km-1 standard
Accuracy: +/- 10% RMSE
Time Constant: 60 sec
Scatter Angle: 42 deg nominal
Source: 880 nm LED
Output: Serial RS-232
Power: 10-36 VDC, 6 VA Nominal
18 VA w/ hood heating
Operating Temperature: -40 to 60 C
Operating Humidity: 0-100%
Protection: IP66 (NEMA-4X)
Weight: 8 kg (18 lb)
Dimensions: 889 mm W x 292 mm H x 305 mm D (35 in x 11.5 in x 12 in)
Mounting: Nominal 40 mm ISO pipe, 48 mm OD max
(1-1/2" IPS pipe, 1.9 inch OD max)

Open Visibility Data Bulletin

Visibility Sensor Installation Video

Visibility Sensor Calibration Video

The Visibility Sensor utilizes the forward scatter technology for visibility measurements. Uses one serial port.

Visibility Measurement: 33 to 104,985ft (10 to 32,000m)
Accuracy up to 10,000m: ±10%
Accuracy over 10,000m: ±20%
Operating Temperature: -25°C to +60°C
Power Supply: +12VDC

Open Visibility Data Sheet PDF

Visibility Sensor

Visibility Sensor (Low Power)

Part Number: 82620-10

Data Viewing & Monitoring

The Weather MicroServer serves data to be viewed on the customer's system, and also can be used in conjunction with these additional monitoring options.

The Weather MicroServer offers real-time data via an Internet browser interface.

Weather Monitoring Dashboard

Main Dashboard: real-time data for the principal meteorological parameters, including a wind direction dial with a 30-second standard deviation

Auxiliary Real-time Monitoring Screen

Auxiliary Screen: real-time data for additional sensors such as solar radiation and visibility, as well as calculated parameters

Weather Trend Screen

Trend Screen: graph of a selected parameter for the current day

Latest Measurements

Latest Measurements: real-time values of all available parameters

Real-time web monitoring included with the Weather MicroServer.

  • For one or multiple weather stations.
  • Data is automatically uploaded every 5 seconds.
  • A security solution for customers who are unable to upload data (via FTP) to their website or implement port forwarding for the MicroServer.
  • A no-hassle weather website for your organization.

The second phase of the project will add datalogging, historical data and trend graphs.

Contact us for customization.

Click this link for the video

Cloud Weather Server

A winter day at the office ... real-time weather monitoring via the cloud Weather Server.

Check current conditions quickly from a hand-held mobile device for decision-making in the field. The CWS Weather Monitor App is compatible with all CWS weather stations that include the Weather MicroServer. The app includes three real-time monitoring screens which display standard meteorological parameters. Access to a Cloud Weather Server account is required.

CWS Weather Monitor App

Industrial grade WVGA touchscreen displays current weather data, trends, min/max.

Computes and displays wind chill, heat index and other calculated parameters.

Seven-inch color LCD panel with 800 x 480 pixel resolution.

Available in desktop/wall-mount chassis, 19" rack mount, or panel mount.

Open Weather Display Page

Color Weather Display

Weather Master™ is our proprietary software optimized for CWS weather stations. It provides computer weather monitoring, calculated parameters, graphing and trend displays, as well as automatic archiving of weather data, alarm notification, interface with CAMEO/ALOHA, and weather web page updates.

Open Weather Software Page

Weather Software

Communication between sensor head and Weather MicroServer

Click to expand for specific details.

A standard 7-foot serial communication cable connects the Interface Module or Control Module to the MicroServer. A standard 7-foot ethernet cable connects the MicroServer to the Network.

Standard system diagram below shown with Orion Sensor.

Weather MicroServer standard configuration

Wireless transceivers offer a cable-free means to remotely monitor weather information when hardwire installations are not feasible or practical.

For fixed-mount weather stations, 900MHz wireless transceivers offer outdoor line-of-site with 2.1 DB antenna at 9 miles (14 km).

For Capricorn FLX Weather Stations, weather sensors are connected to the control module which is housed with a transceiver in a weatherproof enclosure. One or two transceivers are also connected at the data viewing point(s) — the Weather Display Console and/or computer.

For the wireless Orion or Magellan Weather Stations, a transceiver is housed in the weatherproof enclosure near the sensor head. A single transceiver is connected to the Orion Interface Module at the data display site, which then is connected to a Weather Display Console and/or computer.

These stations require power at the site of the weatherproof enclosure. This power can be AC, battery or solar. The Orion and Magellan sensor heads require significantly less power and are good choices for solar or battery-powered operation.

A wireless weather station system configuration would include the weather station itself with display or software, plus a weatherproof enclosure and transceivers.

Portable Wireless Weather Stations

Our portable weather stations come standard with 900MHz transceivers. With the Nomads, the transceiver is mounted in the carrying case with the battery pack.


900 MHz: FCC and IC

900MHz Wireless Transceiver

900 MHz Model, Catalog Number 8255

Catalog Number 8247-2

Two short haul modems are used to extend the RS-232 range from 200 feet to 4000 feet. Includes power supplies.

Order cable by the foot, catalog number 8230.

Catalog Number 8403-1

Utilizes a Sierra Wireless AirLink RV50 Industrial modem, shown in optional weatherproof enclosure (Catalog Number 88163). CWS configures to customer-provided cell service.

  • Ethernet interface.
  • Supported frequency bands: LTE, GSM/GPRS/Edge: Quad-band
  • Provides LTE broadband connectivity to remote locations and in harsh environments.
  • Ultra-low power consumption, ideal for solar or battery powered installations.
  • Built-in, class leading voltage transient protection provides superior reliability and continuous operation.
  • North American and International models available.
  • Carrier Approvals: Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile USA, US Cellular, Rogers, Bell, Telus
Cell Modem in Enclosure

Optional Weatherproof Enclosure (Catalog Number 88163) houses MicroServer, Interface Module, and Cell Modem.

Connect to Your Met Data with the Weather MicroServer (Video)

Duration: 2:33

Creator: Columbia Weather Systems

Open Weather MicroServer Brochure PDF

Weather MicroServer Brochure

Open Weather MicroServer User Manual PDF

Weather MicroServer User Manual


MicroServer MIB File


Modbus Point List PDF


Modbus OPC Client


DNP3 Parameter List (pdf)


DNP3 Application Note (PDF)


BACnet Parameter List (PDF)


Snow/Water Level Sensor Install Guide


Visibility Sensor (CA120a) Installation Guide


Tipping Bucket Rain Gauge User Manual

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