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Solar 3 Weather Stations: A solution tailored to our
specific requirements
Ceylex Renewables is an individual renewable energy producing company based in Sri Lanka. The company owns and operates a capacity of over 30 MWs in solar, wind, and hydro power plants on this island nation.
The company utilizes CWS Solar 3 Weather Stations at two of their solar power plants. Their systems include the Weather MicroServer with solar radiation sensor, air temperature, panel temperature. The MicroServer is housed in a weatherproof enclosure. Met data is communicated via Modbus RTU.
Assistant Electrical Engineer, Chalitha Senevirathna reports, “We required your weather monitoring systems for the resource assessment and performance monitoring of our solar PV power plants. Since actual solar irradiation at the plant site was not available, we required a monitoring system to measure the annual irradiation levels and temperature and compare the results with the energy generated from the power plant.”
Solar 3 Weather Stations aid in resource assessment and performance monitoring of solar PV power plants.
“For our requirement, we reached out to a few companies," Chalitha continued. "However, Columbia Weather Systems is the one who responded to our inquiry promptly and was very supportive and responsive. Furthermore, Columbia Weather Systems was able to provide us with a solution tailored to our specific requirements.”
The Solar 3 Weather Station offers a cost-effective modular system. Individual sensors can be located separately for optimal placement. An array of additional parameters such as wind speed and direction can also be added as required.
“Columbia Weather Systems was able to provide us with a solution tailored to our specific requirements.”
A view of the Anuradhapura solar project site in Sri Lanka.
Links for additional information:
Weather Stations for Solar Energy Projects
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We can help you specify the best weather station for your requirements.
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