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Visit to Uvalde Proving Ground

Home News 2017 Visit to Uvalde Proving Ground
Steven Gutierrez, Objective Engineer for Continental Tire, and the Capricorn FLX weather station.

Kathy recently visited the Continental Tires Uvalde Proving Grounds in Texas. Uvalde consists of 8.5 miles of track that represent almost every type of road terrain and condition.

They push cars and tires to their limits. Customized Capricorn FLX weather stations record track temperature and location specific weather conditions—data that their engineers use to develop safer, better tires.

Speed, handling, braking distance, tread wear, are some of the tests conducted. Every external variable is thoroughly looked at as Continental conducts their tests.Wet pavement vs dry pavement, cobblestone vs dirt vs pavement, cold vs warm temperatures. Nothing is over looked.

Seeing their engineers utilize our weather stations for their highly intense and precise work was a privilege.

Click here for Capricorn FLX page

Click here for Continental's Uvalde Proving Grounds

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